under the sun

We present your idea in pixel to prove
your concept tridimensional


Meaningful analysis
Meaningful analysis


Powerful Mockups
Powerful Mockups


Successful Websites
Successful Websites

Webandsun is creating effective, unique and clever business solutions and improving our clients brand presence online. Our team is made up of the best minds who unify analytical, innovative and hands on competence while working diligent on your approach to success. What really matters to us are achieved results and a better performance for our customers and their total satisfaction.

Get started with a free Performance Check
Score your site now!

Crisp-fresh or old-fashioned?
Let’s test it:

Get your free analyses in less than one
minute to see where your website
needs a refresh.

You are not online yet, but it is
still on your To-do?
We help you to imagine it.


Mockup Design Made Easy

Upload your Logo and we will generate a preview to show how your website with your CI could look like.


We offer analysis, creative designs and innovative web solutions
that adapts to every need.

UX Analysis

Wireframes &



Pitch decks

Motion Graphics




Our 3 x 3 Products
in width and depth

All good things come in threes: We offer you a comprehensive ecosystem of tools, experts and infrastructure during a well-thought-out design, intelligent analysis and practical implementation process. Our team has great project management skills and a large network of freelancers to realize even the most unusual customer requirements. In addition, we offer our solutions with a white label for partner agencies looking for creative, reliable and technically advanced outsourcing services.






Basic and full automatic SEO and UX checks with a bot report
Basic wireframes with existing content and CI
Psd Mockup delivery for your own development



Real detailed UX analysis with ideas of specialists. Great overview of potential.
Full Website preview and custom designed details like visuals.
Development and full implementation with placeholder content & visuals.



Omni Channel Deep analysis with action plan (Conversion, Adds, Social media) accurate pro report.
Elaborated Mockup & complete development guidelines incl. construction kit.
Complete project (incl. Content, Visuals, SEO, Social media, Branding etc.)

Analysis your Creative Process

Webandsun analyses are meaningful, intelligent and to the point. The key features and functions identified will help you succeed in a competitive world and realize your full business potential. We work on a unique creative and technically sophisticated concept and bring your USP to the fore to strengthen your brand. Our product managers, business analysts, system architects, designers and developers sit down at one table to work on a customized and detailed concept. The strategy is clearly communicated in an analysis document and supplemented with recommendations for implementation to improve performance and usability. Curated design drafts offer the functionality and flexibility that will make your product stand out fancy without unnecessary or distracting complexity.

Design interactive UI Mockups

We believe in what we see, which is why Webandsun relies on the power of visualization. Among our instruments are: Wireframes, Mockups and Prototyping of websites by UI and web developers, designers, product managers and business analyst experts. Before a single line of code is written, a preview is created to visually present the website. Elementary UI elements are integrated to ensure maximum user experience. Our mockups can be basic templates or customized elaborated in detail providing the viewer a realistic impression of what the final product will look like. It serves as a visual guide and already contains elements related to the purpose of the visit and is strategically aligned to fulfill it. If required, we can create stunning visuals and compelling text content that is guaranteed to captivate the customer.


For the technical implementation of the detailed mockup and website prototypes we generate a highly functional, rich document to specify the functionality with conditional logic, dynamic content, visuals and animations, mathematical functions and data-driven interactions. You will receive a comprehensive How-to for the implementation with important information like behavior notes, site map and navigation. This serves our customers as a development guideline and construction kit, with which the website can be implemented quickly and easily. We are also happy to take over the entire project including project management and turn your mockup into a fully functional, high-quality and elegant website according to the latest UX trends. If requested we also deliver impressive visuals and convincing text content such as translations.


Here is an extract of our happy customers, more can be seen on our Behance profile. Check it out!


Workansun team members do their work in a dynamic, motivated and detached way. We organize our virtual teams in a cloud and are therefore available anytime and on any device. Keep a geographically dispersed team working together and always in sync. The coordination of the whole team of experts is done by our headquarter on Fuerteventura.

Johanna Fischer

Project Managment

Johanna Fischer has been a valued member of the webandsun team since 2020. As a dedicated project manager, she takes on a variety of tasks essential to our marketing and design company. Johanna excels in creating content and structuring websites, pitch decks, flyers and social media posts. Additionally, she handles translations in English, German, Spanish and French. She also manages our WordPress pages, including content management, site customization, SEO optimization, basic troubleshooting and updates. Her primary goal is to ensure customer satisfaction by delivering perfect and professional work combined with a constant friendliness towards our customers

Johanna Pasiecznik

Project Manager, Content Creator

An Austrian project manager and team player with leadership and problem-solving skills. She has studied environmental and bio-resource management and has worked in politics and non-profit organizations where she was directly involved with senior management, developing excellent analytical, planning and diplomatic skills. She loves challenges such as optimizing results. She describes herself as passionate, disciplined, confident and well structured with excellent communication skills.

Leila Valentini

Art Director

An absolutely sunny and familiar nature, born in Argentina. After finishing her design studies she started her career as a freelance designer working on international projects and now part of the webandsun team. Creativity and consciousness describe her spirit, which is reflected in her skills. Her education, professional experience and way of thinking give her the opportunity to find a unique and attractive solution for every company. She firmly believes that design sweeps the soul to the outside.

Nicolás Bartesaghi


Nicolas studied Systems Engineering at the ORT University of Uruguay and then started his career as IT Manager at GeneXus, Wanna and SitioPatas. He has been developing and programming precisely, quickly and deterministically for over 10 years. His working method is characterised by high organisational, hands-on and pragmatic skills. He is a specialist in programming languages: Javascript, HTML, PHP, SQL and is a valuable team member of webandsun.

Marc Lanz

Managing Director
Is Swiss and a strategic specialist for online marketing and business planning. He is passionately interested in innovation and automation processes in the field of information technology and this is reflected in his work. As an expert in management and business consulting, he also guarantees the successful deployment of resources and people to help you achieve your goals i customer-centric operations or strategies to open up new digital markets.
You like what you read and see? Contact us and get 15 min free analysis – Book appointment with one of our experts: Designer, Marketing, Developer, SEO or UX Expert or business consultant and get inspired. Life is too short for a meaningless website, let us make the difference.

Are you an agency too?

Contact us for white label products. We unify your team and take over analytical, design and technical workflows including project management from the conception to the presentation and handling of the online solution. Benefit from a creative and comprehensive agency for web and design under the sun.